Help our fight to make the world a kinder place for pigeons
Pigeons are exploited in a number of ways in the UK and abroad.
Pigeon Racing being one of the worst ways that we use and abuse these gentle birds for financial gain.
We would LOVE to se this cruel sport banned, but that will be a long slow difficult process as it is worth so much money as an industry, so to start with, in 2025 we will start our campaign to attempt to get 'over the ocean' racing banned in the UK. Its going to be a big fight and we need all the help we can get!
Please consider signing up to our mailing list so we can add you to our petition when it is ready and donate if you can today to help with our work.
You can see more about Pigeon racing on our social media platforms, and a blog will be started on this subject in 2025 which will compliment our monthly mailing newsletter
Thank you
Sue, Matt and the team